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Porla supports sending events using the HTTP Server-sent events standard. See MDN for more details about the standard and how it works.


The event endpoint in Porla is point a client to http://localhost:1337/api/v1/events. Adjust the port for your specific configuration.

Monitoring using curl

You can use curl in unbuffered mode (-N) to listen on all events in Porla.

curl -N localhost:1337/api/v1/events


The event endpoint emits JSON structured data. The events are kept small and you are encouraged to use other API methods to resolve data via the info hash.


Sent each tick (as configured by timers.torrent_updates) if any torrents has updated state information. If no torrents has new state, no event will be sent.

event: state_update
data: [ {"info_hash": ["v1", "v2"]} ]


Sent when a torrent has been added to the session.

event: torrent_added
data: {"info_hash": [ "v1", "v2" ]}


Sent when a torrent is paused.

event: torrent_paused
data: {"info_hash": ["v1", "v2"]}


Sent when a torrent is removed from the session. After this event has been sent, lookups using this info hash will fail until the torrent is added to the session again.

event: torrent_removed
data: {"info_hash": ["v1", "v2"]}


Sent when a torrent is resumed.

event: torrent_resumed
data: {"info_hash": ["v1", "v2"]}